May 6, 20193 min read
I’m a wife, mom of two, a daughter, best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur and coach. That sounds like a hell of a lot, doesn’t it?
Yes, it's a lot. And it’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Now I’m on a mission to help other women design the lives they really want too. If that sounds pretty damn amazing to you, keep reading.
And I want to help you HAVE IT ALL.
If you want to figure out how to #HaveItAll, I’m your girl. Spoiler alert: You don’t have to walk around stressed, exhausted or batshit crazy. That’s not a badge of honor; it’s a sign that something’s broken. I’m here to help you fix it.
If you're a working mom and you're not sure how to balance being great at both, I can teach you how to figure out what to focus on and what to let go of, so you kick ass at the things that are really important to you and actually enjoy your life.
If you’re an entrepreneur (or thinking about becoming one), I’ve got tools, habits and mindset tweaks and #LadyBossTips that have helped tens of thousands build a side hustle or go all in to build their empire. And I’m not just talking about growing your business. I wholeheartedly believe—and am living proof—that to grow a successful business you have to grow as a person.
If you’re a parent and trying to make sure your kids' future therapy bills don't exceed their college tuition, I talk a lot about how we're raising our two kids, including the tools I've found and created so they can become all they can in our often scary, confusing, tech-filled world.
If you’re a human who wants to take better care of your body, mind and spirit, I’ve got a lot to say. Not a rigid this-is-what-you-must-do list, but how to figure out what you need to be healthy, strong, confident, clear-minded, comfortable in your skin and better able to serve others in all parts of your life.
I hope you’ll come to think of me as your sister who can help you learn from my hard-earned wisdom to help you design the life you really want.
I want to help you take risks, think outside the box (or smash the damn box), get uncomfortable and think bigger about what your life can look like. The key to achieving your wildest dreams isn’t to downsize them. It’s to embrace them more fully. How does that sound, Sister?