Get Over Your Damn Self?
Read my book that started the #getoveryourdamnself movement, topped 4 Amazon best-seller lists and earned a coveted GOLD AWARD by the Nonfiction Authors Association.
In Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business, my straight talk gives you the tools and inspiration to get out of your own way, increase your confidence, #FFEAR and become the entrepreneur and human you were designed to be. And I promise to make you LOL along the way.
Building a six- or seven-figure network marketing or direct sales business takes a lot of talking…the right kind of talking. My straight talk, no-BS approach will teach you how to have authentic conversations that connect with your prospects, your team and—most importantly—yourself.

I’ve helped thousands enjoy a powerful increase in confidence and become the leaders they want to have on their own teams. Now I want to share it all with you.
The Posture to confidently connect with anyone about your business and your products.
The Possibilities for a lucrative, efficient and enormously fun turn-key business
The Power that’s already within you to build the life you really want…if you dare.
If you don't believe me, check out the reviews below. (I'm blushing.)
Ahora en Español!
Spanish-speakers can now enjoy my award-winning book and the coaching that’s helped hundreds of thousands of people build life-changing businesses.
Los hispanohablantes ahora pueden disfrutar de mi libro galardonado y la capacitación que ha ayudado a cientos de miles de personas a construir negocios que cambian la vida.
Also available in French, Portuguese and Indonesian.
It's about damn time!
Get the long-awaited Study Guide & Workbook to work through and put into action all I teach you. No matter where you’re at in your business, Get Over Your Damn Self and this Study Guide & Workbook can help you:
kick off your business
coach your new team members
restart, refresh and recommit to your business
run a training series or book club for your entire team
Can You Get Over These Reviews?
I continue to be blown away by how much people love #GetOverYourDamnSelf and what it’s done for their businesses and other parts of their lives. Here are just a few of my favorite reviews. Check out thousands more on Amazon.
“I read this book in two sittings completely raptured by what's inside. It’s like nothing else. The author calls it a blueprint, and it is. For someone new in the business, it's a bible, but for anyone who's been at this long enough to see the possibility, it's a freaking treasure map.”
- Bridget
“I LOVE this book!”
- Cara Alwill Leyba
Best-selling author of Girl Code & Like She Owns The Place and host of the "Style Your Mind" podcast
“If you are serious about building a successful business this book will show you what you need to do. Then it's up to you to DO IT! I love Romi's straight to the point, no sugar coating tough love and I bet you will too.”
- Sarah
“This is one of the rare reviews from a “dude” reading Get Over Your Damn Self. I picked up a copy of Romi’s book and was hooked right away. If you’re showing up and doing the work but not seeing success this book is for you. You’re going to learn that your posture and your personal power BEHIND the actions is the missing piece. And then you’re going to learn how to walk in your power and posture yourself.”
- AKC Fitness
“Romi is REAL, and down to earth, yet fabulous, at the same time! This book is absolutely LOADED with invaluable information. I have read it twice, and skimmed it a third time, and yet I know that when I open this book up yet again, little nuggets of wisdom & encouragement will fall into my lap yet again!
- Jane
“Reading this book, I felt like Romi and I are besties, we were sitting on the sofa all night and she was filling me up with everything she had to ensure my success! Wondering what to say when? Read this. Wondering WHY you bother? READ this! That section alone is worth thousands times what I paid for this book. Thank you Romi!”
- Chantaine
I love it when people tell me listening to #getoveryourdamnself on Audible feels like I’m right there in the room, talking to them about how to get out of their own way and reach for their dreams. And I’d love to talk to you too!
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