So you’ve done the work (or you’re currently ​doing​ the work) of reading my book, You Can Have It All, Just Not at the Same Damn Time, and you’re looking to get even more out of it, huh?
I’m so proud of you!
My book isn’t a passive read. It takes active participation to recalibrate your life and focus on what’s important to you. And clearly you’re going ALL in because you’ve decided you want the extra resources I talk about in my book in your hot little hands to get the most out of these tools.
I’m so honored that I get to help you establish your priorities and goals, track your precious time, better understand what you need to delegate and delete, and figure out what relationships you might need to rethink and recategorize. With my book and these resources, you’re well on your way to creating a life filled with your ALL. And I’m so happy you’re part of the #HaveItAllSisterhood!

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